About the ReFind Ministry

The psalmist in Psalm 90:8 states an observation that plagues the Christian church today (to say nothing of the world in general). The observation reads: “You [God] have set our iniquities before You, Our secret sins in the light of Your countenance.”  It is the secret sin of pornography, and the shame of that sin, which has caused many of God’s people to suffer condemnation, isolation and a sense of profound disconnect.

Rather than the church turning a blind eye to sexual immorality or burying its proverbial head in the sand, we want to declare that God is light and in Him there is no darkness (1 John 1:5). So much so that we will not let sin of pornography continue to rule in our mortal bodies (Romans 6:12). We desire to 1).  Stop: enduring the sin of pornography!  2.) Look: as in exposing and addressing the effects of pornography upon the body of CCCH!  3.) Listen: to the cry for assistance in addressing the needs of husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, sons and daughters struggling overcome pornography!

The Re-Find ministry will provide awareness, education, pathways and resources that will be  available in addressing our church’s desire to assist men, women, young adults and children to choose rightly and to come along beside them as they are moved by the Holy Spirit to proclaim the praises of Him who called them out of darkness into His marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9). For there is now then no condemnations for those who are in Christ Jesus.

In my office I have written this saying (author unknown):

Condemnation: Satan knows our names, but he whispers our sins over and over in our ears. So much so that we experience shame, guilt. We wallow in self-pity and we walk around with a “loser” complex.

Grace: God knows our sins, but He calls us by our name.  All throughout Scripture we see that God calls those who are His by their name (Samson, Saul, David, Peter etc.) regardless of their most egregious sin.  We, therefore, experience freedom, the abundant life as sons and daughters and joint heirs.

Let it be known and confirmed by the Word of God (Genesis 4:7); sin is crouching at our door! The sin of pornography crouches at the door of every heart that is not guarded by godly wisdom, knowledge and understanding (Proverbs 2:6).

A recent Barna Study produced in partnership with Josh McDowell Ministry exposed the breadth and depth of pornography’s impact upon the Christian community.  The Church can no longer remain silent or claim that there is not a problem with pornography within the church pews. Men, women, husbands, wives and even our youth are coming out of the closet of darkness, shame, guilt, isolation, and embarrassment seeking help, direction, understanding and information.  We can no longer send our congregants to a “specialist.”  “Knowledge is power” and the Re-Find ministry will provide knowledge, awareness, education, pathways and resources that will be instrumental in addressing and arresting (by the power of the Holy Spirit) the addictive behavior associated with pornography.

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