The Greatest Impact
The greatest impact upon the Christian man today is the choices he must make on a daily
basis. Yearly choices are rarely a problem because change is inevitable, however daily
choices are far more troublesome.
Elihu said to Job: “Let us choose for ourselves what is right. Let us know among
ourselves what is good”. (Job 34:4) We have a moment by moment opportunity to
choose what is right.
We can choose obedience to the Word of God or disobedience. We can choose to read
the Word or read the world.
Joshua says “If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourself who
you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served which are beyond the river, or
the god of the Amorite in whose land you are living, but as for me and my house we will
serve the Lord (Joshua 24: 15).
The Lord allowed David to choose his punishment for sinning (2 Sam 24: 12).
Psalm 25: 12: States: “Who, then, is the man that fears the Lord? He will instruct him in
the way chosen for him”.
David goes on to say (in Psalm 25: 15): “My eyes are ever on the Lord. for only he will
release my feet from the snare. “May integrity and uprightness protect me because my
hope is in You” (Psalm 25: 21).
I fear that we don’t give God that opp011unity because we don’t fear him. We choose
Thus this medallion is given in the hope that “You have what it takes” to take that first
step in the choice process on a moment by moment basis. It’s my prayer and hope that
you will join me and adopt a Pro-Choice Christ- likeness mind set. Put this medallion in
a place of prominence such as key chain or necklace as a daily reminder to: Choose
goodness over meanness, a soft voice over booming vocals, encouragement instead of
criticism, tum off instead oftum on to pornography, talk instead of being spoken to by
the TV, walk with you child instead of that extended power nap; choose to smile instead
of be grumpy, make a decision for the family instead of letting the family guess your
thoughts, choose to let your wife know that you love her (do this in front of the children,
family and friends). Choose to surrender to the God who gave his only begotten Son.
Choose to be the godly man with Christ on the throne of your life. Any other choice will
mean that you want to “be your own boss dubiously in control”.
Lin. W~